Living the 3D Focus - featuring image of three women's hands folded, with an elderly woman's hands holding open a bible. 3Ds of Development, Discernment, and Discipleship spiraled across bottom of image, along with MCCW logo. 3Ds connected by MCCW dove and word "connect," with connect, unite, inspire tagline faded along top of image. #catholicwoman #catholiclife #catholicmilitarywomen #catholicwomengroups
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Living the 3D Focus: Development

Two months ago, we featured “Calling on the 3D Focus,” introducing the three main areas of focus for our MCCW sisters in Christ throughout the world. MCCW’s 3D Focus includes intentionally using the tools we possess to develop, discern, and live as a disciple. Last month, we explored a deeper connection with Discernment.

As the 2022-2023 program year winds down for CWOC groups throughout the world, and transitions are made for planning of a 2023-2024 program year, this month we will dive deeper into what development means, and what it looks like for individuals within our greater MCCW community.

Development has been defined by MCCW as, “The process by which we grow deeper in faith or more advanced in our personal gifts for the betterment of the Kingdom. 


In the Gospel of Luke, we are told,

Jesus advanced [in] wisdom and age and favor before God and man.

Lk 2:52

We see a clear indication through Scripture that Christ, Himself, made it a priority to develop in both knowledge and leadership. He spent time under St. Joseph, learning a trade. He also spent time with the Torah, learning to listen, interpret, and ultimately heed God’s will.

As women who represent a “Visible Presence of Christ” within our communities, it is just as important that we take the opportunity to develop, as both women of faith, and missionary disciples. Not every duty station calls on us to serve in a leadership role, but every duty station calls us to both hear and share the Good News of our God – that God loves us so much, He sent His Son, who suffered, died, and rose from the dead, in order that we should have the opportunity to spend eternity with God.

Christ, Himself, commands us in the Gospel of Mark,

He said to them, ‘Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature.’

Mk 16:15

Development doesn’t require us to become subject matter experts, although for some women, the process will eventually lead to formal study of Scripture and Tradition. 

Rather, development can be “as simple as,” finding Christ as a woman, and being able to share with others how Christ’s relationship with you impacts your thoughts, words, and actions.

Through Christ’s own example, we are each invited to reflect on a few questions in our own faith walk:

  • How comfortable am I in sharing Christ in me with another?
  • How do my thoughts, words, and actions carry Christ to others?
  • How comfortable am I in developing my faith and relationship with God?
  • Where can I go to deepen my knowledge, understanding, and relationship with Christ?

Download a copy of these questions to pray over during the course of June: Well 2023 – Living the 3D Focus – Development. Spend some time considering how you would like to better develop on your spiritual journey.

Connect with us through our MCCW-Worldwide Facebook group or send us a message at if you feel called to share your answers to these questions.


In Christ,


Director of Communications

Stay tuned for next month’s article which will address discipleship as part of the “Living the 3D Focus” series.

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