Preparing for a New CWOC Year: 3 Ideas from the Leadership Roundups with an image of women holding hands, praying in a circle. Connect, unite, inspire tagline with MCCW logo
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Preparing for a New CWOC Year: 3 Ideas from the Leadership Roundups

In last month’s edition of “The Well,” we shared five tips (plus one bonus tip) for transitioning leadership and starting to consider the new program year. We also announced two opportunities for Leadership Roundup discussions on Zoom, in an effort for MCCW to continue promoting the “3D Focus,” and assisting transitioning leadership. 

A couple common themes quickly came out in our Zoom discussions. Many CWOC groups are rebuilding – whether the focus is completely rebuilding CWOC membership post-pandemic, reaching active-duty spouses or female active-duty Servicemembers, or completely restarting a group, this upcoming year seems to be a rebuilding year!

During the month of July, we hope to offer several other opportunities for women to connect, unite, and inspire each other as we focus on the 2023-2024 CWOC planning year. 

To assist those who were unable to attend last month’s roundup sessions, but would still like to benefit from the discussion, here are three ideas which were bounced around as we considered planning this next program year.

Idea #1: Consider having a theme for the year.

It’s important to discuss themes with your priest. Furthermore, MCCW recognizes that each CWOC has its own personality and focus. Therefore, MCCW-Worldwide doesn’t assign a specific theme for individual CWOCs to focus on.

However, the USCCB has called for a three-year “National Eucharistic Revival,” which kicked off in 2022. The first year’s focus for the USCCB seemed to be on the Eucharistic Revival for our priests, religious, and seminarians. The Solemnity of Corpus Christi ushered in the second year, in which Catholics are asked to bring the Eucharistic Revival to our Catholic communities and parishes throughout the United States.

Therefore, whether you have a theme of the “Eucharist for study, or instead prefer to offer monthly themes, consider turning to the Eucharist as we are reminded in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC). 

Article 1324 in the CCC states,

The Eucharist is “the source and summit of the Christian life.” “The other sacraments, and indeed all ecclesiastical ministries and works of the apostolate, are bound up with the Eucharist and are oriented toward it. For in the blessed Eucharist is contained the whole spiritual good of the Church, namely Christ himself, our Pasch.”

While not an exhaustive list, here are some recommended studies on the Eucharist:

  1. The Eucharist: A Bible Study Guide for Catholics by Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J.
  2. The Lamb’s Supper by Scott Hahn
  3. Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the  Eucharist by Brant Pitre
  4. Lectio: Eucharist (available on
  5. A Biblical Walk through the Mass: Understanding What We Say and Do in the Liturgy (Ascension Press)

For other studies which can align with a theme of the year, check out the newly released and updated “Recommended Faith Studies,” available here or under the “Tools for Women’s Ministry tab on the Resource page of our website.

Keep track of your theme, planning calendar, and important feast days with the 2023-2024 Program Planning Calendar available here on our website under the resource tab of the “Inspire” section of our website.

Idea #2: Be sure to advertise!

Have an insert to go into your Catholic community’s bulletin? Put the CWOC logo on it. 

Have a resource fair for your installation? Create some flyers for your fall kickoff to have ready to hand out.

Have announcements given at Mass? Ask your priest-chaplain if your CWOC leadership can make a brief announcement, inviting women to consider joining the group at your kickoff. One installation specifically shared they have leadership speak almost weekly every Sunday during the summer months to promote a presence and invite women to become involved.

Advertising doesn’t have to cost anything aside from a cheerful face and a welcoming presence. The personal connection and individual invitation are the most influential part of advertising a CWOC.

Idea #3: Consider more than just a “sit down study.”

Women like to fellowship. Therefore, consider creating a program year which incorporates the MCCW Signature Programs (available under the “MCCW Signature Programs” tab on our Resource section of the website (check out our Inspire page here).

Some CWOCs offer monthly fellowship opportunities, such as Ladies’ Night Out, which include trips to local restaurants, paint-’n’-sip outings, mini-pilgrimages, and more. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and consider other ways to connect, unite, and inspire the Catholic women within your community to grow in their own 3Ds (discernment, development, discipleship).

Many women shared their CWOCs have Mass and/or Adoration offered to them in addition at the end of their study sessions. Others focus on beginning every meeting with the Rosary or another devotion for the group.

Other women break their fellowship and meetings up with craft ideas monthly. Fellowship could look like a craft idea along the lines of the themes designated by the Church – for example, a craft for the Month of the Holy Rosary in October, or an activity for Month of the Holy Souls in November.

The purpose of these roundtable discussions is to truly ask questions, assign specific times to sit down and plan, and to banter ideas which will help each CWOC leadership team member build a program year which is right for her group. 

The July dates and times for these Roundtable Discussions are included in this month’s e-mailed edition of “The Well,” and like last month, will also be advertised on our social media channels. Don’t miss out on the announcements and the Zoom meeting information.

MCCW-Worldwide looks forward to continuing to assist CWOC leadership in growing and thriving in their 2023-2024 program year!


In Christ, 


MCCW-Worldwide Director of Communications

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