MCCW Offers Opportunities to Come Together in Prayer, Worship, Fellowship, and Service

Our Purpose

The Military Council of Catholic Women

Connects Unites Inspires

MCCW reflects a visible presence of Christ in military communities across the globe and at nearly 220 U.S. military installations. As a non-profit subsidiary of the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA (AMS), MCCW is recognized and endorsed as the official AMS women’s ministry and works with military chapels to form women in spirituality, leadership, and service.

Our Purpose

The Military Council of Catholic Women-Worldwide (MCCW) connects, unites, and inspires U.S. military-affiliated women to grow in faith.

MCCW reflects a visible presence of Christ in military communities across the globe and at nearly 220 U.S. military installations. As a non-profit subsidiary of the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA (AMS), MCCW-Worldwide is recognized and endorsed as the official AMS women’s ministry and works with military chapels to form women in spirituality, leadership, and service.

Our Vision

MCCW is committed to expanding the support and care for Catholic women in chapels around the globe so they can better discern their God-given mission and how to fulfill it.

 We aspire to promote and preserve our faith by being voices for the gospel, examples of servant leadership, and faithful participants in all sacraments. The outcome is a connected military faith community, united in our love of Christ, and inspired by His command to go forth into the world with a heart of discipleship.

Our Vision

MCCW is committed to expanding the support and care for Catholic women in chapels around the world so they can better discern their God-given mission and how to fulfill it.

 We aspire to promote and preserve our faith by being voices for the gospel, examples of servant leadership, and faithful participants in all sacraments. The outcome is a connected military faith community, united in our love of Christ, and inspired by His command to go forth into the world with a heart of discipleship.


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Our Core Values

MCCW’s core values are the Christ-centered driving force that ground our individual and organizational actions, guide our ministry direction, and inform our priorities.

 These traits and qualities signal our deeply held beliefs and are the heart of how MCCW lives out the collective fiat of our volunteers.


Discernment of God’s will for our lives and vocations.

Not only do we support seminarians in their discernment, but we seek to discern our personal vocation and give our holy fiat to God in the mundane and mysterious. We work to increase vocational awareness for religious life and advocate intentional, prayerful decision-making for all women.


Discipleship of others by sharing the Gospel.

We seek to live out our baptismal call with urgency to further the New Evangelization. We commit to sharing of our testimony individually and through transformational group events and activities inspired by our shared missionary impulse. We connect, unite, and inspire by being His light to the world.


Development of spiritual and personal gifts for the betterment of the kingdom.

We seek to form Christ-focused leaders inspired to use their God-given talents and unique abilities to nurture vibrant chapel communities at military installations around the world. We serve as a chapel resource for processes and programs to build women’s ministries.

Our Core Values

MCCW’s core values are the Christ-centered driving force that ground our individual and organizational actions, guide our ministry direction, and inform our priorities.

 These traits and qualities signal our deeply held beliefs and are the heart of how MCCW lives out the collective fiat of our volunteers.


Discernment of God’s will for our lives and vocations. Not only do we support seminarians in their discernment but we seek to discern our personal vocation and give our holy fiat to God in the mundane and mysterious. We work to increase vocational awareness for religious life and advocate intentional, prayerful decision-making for all women.


Discipleship of others by sharing the Gospel. We seek to live out our baptismal call with urgency to further the New Evangelization. We commit to sharing our testimony individually and through transformational group events and activities inspired by our shared missionary impulse. We connect, unite, and inspire by being His light to the world.


Development of spiritual and personal gifts for the betterment of the kingdom. We seek to form Christ-focused leaders inspired to use their God-given talents and unique abilities to nurture vibrant chapel communities at military installations around the world.  We serve as a chapel resource for processes and programs to build women’s ministries.

Lord of heavenly wisdom, Who has given us your own Mother Mary to be our guide and Counselor in this our lives, Grant that in all things we may have the grace to seek maternal instruction and to profit by it in humility and love. O Mother of Good Counsel, Patroness of the Military Council of Catholic Women, help us to understand and fulfill the mind and will of your Divine Son, Jesus Christ.

Under the blessing of the Father, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, may we be responsible and intelligent daughters of the Church. May we labor in the spirit of renewal to realize more perfectly the Kingdom of God here below, as the only true preparation for our share in the Kingdom of Heaven.


MCCW Our Lady of Good Counsel Prayer