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Holding You in Our Prayers

Dear Sisters in Christ,

What a strange and difficult couple of months this has been! I hope that as you read this, you and your family remain safe, healthy, and filled with the assurance of God’s love for us. 

In our family, we have been working hard to find a new normal for this period of time. Seeking that new normal has included establishing a new daily schedule, finding creative ways to mark the time that seems to run together without normal calendar items to distinguish one day or week from the next, and brainstorming the fun and important things we want to do as a family during this period of isolation.

We have also tried to find things we can look forward to things we can eagerly anticipate while we wait through this hard time. As Catholics, we can all relate to that, especially right now as we eagerly anticipate the Easter celebration after a long Lenten season. 

MCCW also wants to help with this by giving you many events and activities to look forward to while we wait out this global crisis. This issue will introduce you to several of those!

In the near term, we will be holding a virtual Day of Reflection on Sunday, April 26, to mark the feast day of our patroness, Our Lady of Good Counsel. We are very excited about all we have planned for that day and hope it will be a special time of prayer and reflection in the midst of this difficult season. 

Further down the calendar, we are so excited to announce that our 2020 -2021 schedule of regional retreats is nearly complete. Our regional teams have amazing events in store for you. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for a special announcement about the next retreats!

We are also overjoyed to be moving closer to rescheduling our postponed Forum 2020. We aren’t quite there yet, but as soon as we can we will be excited to share the details with you and that is something we can all look forward to together!

We hope that looking forward to these events, along with the other virtual opportunities we are offering now through our social media platforms, will bring you some joy. For now, though, know that the MCCW team is holding each of you in our prayers and that we can’t wait to connect, unite, and inspire you in the brighter days ahead. 

Yours in Christ,


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