Deepening Our Faith Through Experiencing the Triduum
If you have already felt like a failure in your Lenten promises and sacrifices, welcome to the club! It is a universal human experience to enter yourself into a promise or an oath where you are the only one really holding yourself accountable and then you fall off the wagon.
Here is the promise of hope, though: The Triduum
That’s quite a word, isn’t it? It simply refers to the three days, no longer a part of Lent but not yet Easter, where we are in high anticipation of the fulfillment of Christ’s promise – to rise from the dead, rebuild the temple and defeat death, concurring sin. This is a perfect moment to return to your promises, your sacrifices, for these three days.
Holy Thursday
So many things occur on this somber day. We have just heard from the Sunday Gospel, the entering of Christ into Jerusalem, the laying of palms in his path to signify the return of the king. Yet, so much sadness, suffering and grief is yet to come. Holy Thursday brings us to the washing of the feet, the institution of the Eucharist, the institution of the Priesthood, the betrayal, the taking, blessing, breaking and giving of the Body of Christ, even to the traitor. Here are a few things you can do on this day to prepare your heart for Easter:
- Wish a happy anniversary to your priest. The washing of the feet of the apostles by Christ signified the passing of His high priesthood onto His chosen. In Leviticus 16 we see the parallels of Aaron taking off his outer garment, wrapping it around his waist, and washing himself before he can offer the sacrifice. Christ now passes this on to His priests – washing them in order that they may now offer the sacrifice on His behalf.
- Attend Holy Thursday Mass. The Triduum is not really three days but one day spread over three. The celebration begins at the Mass on Holy Thursday and does not end until the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday. It is quiet, dark, and meant for contemplation and prayer.
- Contemplate the agony in the garden. Bring your mind and heart to the final moments before Christ was handed over, asking His beloved apostles to stay awake with Him for just an hour. Most churches have adoration after Holy Thursday Mass. Take an hour to be awake with Christ in these moments.
Good Friday
The day of dark. The moment where so many prophecies are fulfilled. This is the day where we enter, fully, into quiet and emptiness. On this day I recommend only two things:
- Attend the Good Friday service. This is the continuation of the Triduum. We venerate the Cross; we are brought to the final moments of Christ’s earthly life. While we know what Easter brings, we still weep at His suffering.
- Stand with Mary at the foot of the cross. Pray the Stabat Mater, contemplate the piercing of her heart, consider how she entered into her Dark Night of the Soul as she laid her own heart with Christ’s in the tomb.
Holy Saturday
The waiting. Christ is in the tomb and now we wait. We know the day of rejoicing is coming yet He is doing so much work. We, too, must work on preparing our hearts. Are we aware of the battles Christ is winning for our sake? Are we praying that we are transformed? Here are some ideas for Holy Saturday:
- Attend the Easter Vigil. This is by far the most beautiful Mass of the entire year. The lights, the bells, the singing, the incense. New members of the Church are being welcomed in through the sacraments. We journey through salvation history in the readings and the psalms. At the end, we fervently rejoice as we sing the Gloria full force!
- Contemplate the resurrected body of Christ. He wasn’t merely healed like Lazarus. His body is now a heavenly body. Fully restored to a body for all eternity. Death will never touch it. What remains are the wounds of the crucifixion. His pierced hands, feet and side remain to remind us that He truly died and now He truly lives. A human heart, pierced, resides in heaven for all eternity, and it beats for us. We desire to reside in It.
Find your space to return to your journey toward Easter over the Triduum. It is a place of grief, dark and anticipation for the greatest moment of all time: the Resurrection of Christ.
In Christ,
Director of Faith Formation
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