Deepening Our Faith: Spiritual Warfare (Part 1)
As members of a military faith community, we are all too familiar that our military must always be prepared. From their equipment, their bodies, working as a unit, and most importantly, when called upon, they are ready to execute peace.
Spiritual Warfare is no different.
First, we must define spiritual warfare.
In general terms, spiritual warfare is the battle between heaven and hell that someday is the destiny of every soul. Take a step back, and the definition becomes very clear.
Heaven is where each of us through Christ is our ultimate reward. Or hell. The evil one, Satan, tries to enter our lives in various ways to bring us earthly misery or, sadly for some, eternal suffering.
Again, think back to the military as they prepare to enter an area that is “hot.” This means military intelligence has sources that note the enemy is hiding there.
Now, let us return to spiritual warfare, and the enemy is waiting out there for us. We are the combatants that are fighting with Jesus on our side.
The battlegrounds are your hearts, minds, and souls. We are the ultimate prize for both God and Satan.
From the beginning of the Apostles spreading His ministry to now, we have known this well. So, the faithful have turned to the Church with empathy to continue to be prepared for this war against Satan.
St Peter, writing circa 30-65 A.D., wrote:
Be sober and vigilant. Your opponent the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for [someone] to devour. Resist him, steadfast in faith, knowing that your fellow believers throughout the world undergo the same sufferings.
1 Peter 5:8-9
A theologian named Father John Harden referred to history wars as “lower wars” and spiritual warfare as “the real war.” Or the ultimate battle.
The ultimate reward of war is eternal life as we walk with Jesus daily. Sadly, it is one’s choice.
The stakes are high indeed.
There are three reasons why Spiritual Warfare is unlike the earthly type:
- It has already been won, but its battles have not been fought.
- It is, first and foremost, invisible warfare.
- If we are going to survive this warfare, like the military, you must enlist.
We can undoubtedly see spiritual warfare in our world and lives. From the chaos in our hometowns to across the world of discord, it is readily apparent. The protesting results in a high state of police presence in our schools. None of us will forget the worldwide lockdown due to Covid-19. What was experienced for many were shortages from food to gasoline that caused either unrest or kicking us into survival mode. Hoarding of resources such as food caused riots in some areas. All of these are visible instances of spiritual warfare.
Yet not all instances of spiritual warfare will be visibly seen.
We each, from time to time, will be challenged in spiritual warfare. It does not matter how intelligent you are, or if you have everything you want.
But how do we recognize spiritual warfare?
If I said it was right in front of you, your reaction may be, “What are signs?”
Will you feel an uneasy feeling? Maybe.
Or, it might be as routine or commonplace as struggling with your temper or making a sarcastic remark, either with words or sighs.
For example, instead of praying for five minutes, you decide to watch a movie, chat with a friend, or meet for coffee.
It is as simple as surrendering to a temptation.
As individuals, we all experience spiritual warfare, but because it is not very exciting, we sometimes miss the mark on it.
Spiritual warfare is the battle against our free will.
It is also the reality of every Christian’s life.
Pope St. John Paul II once explained, “The path for holiness thus involves the acceptance of spiritual combat. This demanding reality is not always given due attention today.”
In the next issue of “The Well”: Who are we fighting?
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen
In Christ,
MCCW-Worldwide Director of Evangelization
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