Sitting at the Well - To Pray & Ponder in liturgical green, over an image of a dry well in a desert landscape. Underneath image is written: The Gift of Peace. Under that is the MCCW Logo and motto, "Connect, Unite, Inspire."
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Sitting at the Well – To Pray and Ponder: The Gift of Peace

For Reflection: Luke 24:36-49 

“Peace be with you” – as you move toward the fast-approaching season of fall. As our schedules fill up with school, sports and other various extracurricular commitments let’s consider a “peace” check. 

Oxford Languages defines peace as “freedom from disturbance; tranquility.” How is your check going so far? Are you feeling it – the peace and tranquility or are you feeling something else? On a scale of one to ten, one being peace is absent ten being totally at peace – where do you see yourself? 

After the resurrection, Jesus uses the greeting “peace be with you” three times. Could we possibly consider Jesus’ greeting as Trinitarian? A gift given to us by the Trinity through the lips of Christ, from the mind of the Father and the heart of the Holy Spirit. Could this be what is wished for you during this coming gearing up of worldly human “busy-ness”? 

Peace is the gift that allows space for the Holy Spirit to communicate with you. To gently lead and guide you through your day, week, month, year, and life – Home. Peace allows the Holy Spirit to sit with you during your days of planning out new schedules, chore charts, apostolates, and ministries – life in general. 

Peace is there; we just have to surrender parts of ourselves to it. The parts we grasp and hang onto. 

We have to “let go” and “let God” fill us with His peace – a peace that passes all understanding (Phil 4:6). 

So let us go to the well to pray and ponder Christ’s beautiful gift of peace. Let us surrender as much as we can in this moment, making additional space for the Holy Spirit to fill us with the gift of peace. 

In addition to meditating on the questions within the reflection above, also consider where in your life you wish for peace. In what situations can you bring peace to others?


In Christ,

Kim Rebello, OFS, CSD

MCCW-Worldwide Supporter

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