Image of Our Lady of Good Counsel in center, with President's Pen February 2023 written above the image
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President’s Pen – February 2023

It’s time. Our regional retreats launch in-person this week for the first time since 2019. Years of planning and prayer by our teams in five regions will bear spiritual fruit in the next two months.  I cannot wait to see how God touches hearts and minds and inspires us to focus on how “Christ in Me” is all the nourishment and sustainment we need in life.

For those who have or who plan to register for one of the events, start praying now for specific ways you need God to answer prayers or open doors during your retreat. Make a list of the heavy things you are carrying around day to day and plan to bring those to Him as we retreat.  Contemplate ways your fellow sisters in Christ can help support you in your faith journey through friendship and prayer.

For those who cannot join us in person, please make a special commitment to pray for each retreat during the week leading up to the event and during the retreat days. This is such a critical and beautiful way we can feel connected across borders and oceans.  

I encourage everyone to check our Worldwide Facebook channels for a special retreat season launch that will unite us in prayer for this special season of reflection. For those stateside, it will be available to watch by Wednesday morning March 1, and our Pacific folks can tune in live around 6:30 pm HST.  

It is such a joy to see the activity and momentum in CWOCs across our regions. Thank you for living out our shared faith and being a part of this beautiful community.


In prayer for you,


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